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Published on February 1, 2014

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Straight from our viewer’s mouths, here’s our final installment of The Viewers Critique Series.

Published on January 31, 2014

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Family courts are like the wild west. Visit our website to learn more shocking truths and join the movement for reform:

Published on January 31, 2014

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The Viewer Critique Series- Some critics have questioned the Divorce Corp.’s accuracy and our viewers have had some choice words regarding these perspectives.

Published on January 30, 2014


As part of our Viewer Critique Series, here’s another viewer’s response to a critic review of Divorce Corp.

Published on January 29, 2014

FB_Jan29This post was served to 3,170 people


The Viewer Critique Series – what our viewers have had to say about some of the critic reviews:

Published on January 28, 2014


A principle that the family courts have taken to heart.

Published on January 28, 2014

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Our government has built an industry. Should we be proud?

Published on January 26, 2014

FB_Jan26This post was served to 12,284 people

Published on January 25, 2014

FB_Jan25This post was served to 15,264 people


Being single does not make you immune; the family court system meddles in matters of child support as well.

Published on January 24, 2014



One thought on “More Facebook Posts Published By Divorce Corp.

  1. I am not sure if you are aware of the lawyer referral/help resource called avvo.com. I have several times asked on it if the lawyers there have heard of the documentary Divorce Corp. To my surprise not many there have heard of it. Why do you think that is?

    Somehow you guys don’t seem to be reaching people in the system.